lunes, 14 de octubre de 2019

Hypothesis of perfection-manifesting times of the works of God in the New Testament


I present the hypothesis that the works of God in the New Testament, from the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary to her Assumption into Heaven, took place on the exact days to reflect their perfection, both by their coincidence with Israel's religious feasts and by the lengths of the intervals which separated them. From this hypothesis, I present the ages corresponding to all 8 numbers of the form (m · m · n) such that m + m + n = 17, which include the lifetimes of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

To note, I mean "New Testament" above in the general sense of "New Covenant", not in the specific sense of the NT books, because it is clear that neither the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary nor her Assumption into Heaven are explicitely mentioned in those books.

Aside from the assumptions specific to this hypothesis, I adopt the majority position on the year of death of Herod the Great, i.e. that he died in 4 BC, assuming specifically:

- that the moon eclipse before his final illness was the total eclipse on Sep 15, 5 BC, which was 14 Tishrei, 4 days after Yom Kippur, the only fast day associated with important priestly duties, and

- that the Passover after his death was that on Apr 11, 4 BC.

Since Herod cared only about his own position and not about the continuity in power (or even the lives) of his sons, the visit of the Magi must have been before the beginning of his final illness, i.e. before September 5 BC. This implies that Jesus must have been born in 7 or 6 BC, and that his crucifixion was on Friday April 7, 30 AD, since the other possible date on an astronomical basis, Friday April 3, 33 AD, would result in an age of Jesus of 39 or 38 years at that time.


A1. St. Mary was conceived a few hours after the end of the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), reflecting that her soul's constitution in a state of sanctifying grace from the very moment of its creation was the first fruit of the true Atonement that Our Lord Jesus Christ was to perform by his obedience to God the Father to the point of death, even death on a cross (Phil 2:8). The timing of conception after sunset is important, since pious Israelites do not have marital relations on the Day of Atonement.

A2. Mary was born on a Pentecost just as the Church would be, reflecting that she is perfect type of the Church, not as mere figure but as full realization of the typified reality.

A3. Mary lived an integral age according to the Hebrew calendar, implying that her Assumption into Heaven, which according to the visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich took place on the night following her burial, was on a Pentecost.

A4. Mary's integral age was 64 Hebrew years from Pentecost to Pentecost, in almost complete agreement with the value seen by A. C. Emmerich of 64 (solar) years less 23 days.

A5. Mary's Dormition and subsequent Assumption into Heaven were, again according to the visions of A. C. Emmerich, before the first martyrdom of an Apostle, that of James brother of John, which was near Passover 43 AD (Acts 12:1-3). Therefore they were on Pentecost 42 AD, so that Mary's birth was on Pentecost 23 BC and her Conception after the end of Yom Kippur 24 BC.

A6. Our Lord Jesus Christ was circumcised on 14 Nisan, prefiguring his crucifixion on 14 Nisan. This implies that He was born in the first hours of 7 Nisan.

A7. Jesus lived an integral age according to the solar calendar, implying that He was born on the night of April 7, which in turn implies, in conjunction with A6, that He was born on April 7, 7 BC, so that his integral age was 36 solar years and Mary was 15 years old at the time of Annunciation.

A8. Jesus was conceived on the 7th Sunday after Pentecost, 8 BC.

Calculation of dates and intervals

Event.........: month day, year - Week day - # Julian - Hebrew calendar date per time of day of the event

N. moon Sep 24 BC: Sep  2  02:44

1 Tishrei 24 BC  : Sep  4. I add 2 days to that of the new moon when it was before noon.

10 Tishrei 24 BC : Sep 13. (10 - 1 + 4 = 13) - Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)

Mary.Conception  : Sep 13, 24 BC - Sunday - 1712912.5 - Monday 11 Tishrei after sunset


N. moon Mar 23 BC: Mar 27  09:40

1 Nisan 23 BC    : Mar 29. I add 2 days to that of the new moon when it was before noon.

15 Nisan 23 BC   : Apr 12. (15 - 1 + 29 - 31 = 12) - Monday

Next Sunday      : Apr 18 - 1713129.5 + 49 = 1713178.5

Mary.birth       : Jun 6, 23 BC - Sunday - 1713178.5 - Pentecost

From Mary.Conception to Mary.birth   : 1713178.5 - 1712912.5 = 266 days


New moon Mar 8 BC: Mar 12  03:35

1 Nisan 8 BC     : Mar 14. I add 2 days to that of the new moon when it was before noon.

15 Nisan 8 BC    : Mar 28. (15 - 1 + 14 = 28) - Friday

Next Sunday      : Mar 30 - 1718589.5 + 49 + 49 = 1718687.5

Jesus.Conception : Jul 6, 8 BC - Sunday - 1718687.5 - 7th Sunday after Pentecost [1]

From Mary.Concep. to Jesus.Conception: 1718687.5 - 1712912.5 =  5775 days = 21 x 275 days = 33 x 25 weeks


Equinox 7 BC     : Mar 23  05:00

New moon Mar 7 BC: Mar 30  20:16

1 Nisan 7 BC     : Apr  2. I add 3 days to that of the new moon when it was AFTER noon (as in 30 AD).

6 Nisan 7 BC     : Apr  7. (6 - 1 + 2 = 7)

Jesus.Birth      : Apr 7, 7 BC - Tuesday - 1718962.5 - Wednesday 7 Nisan after sunset

From Jesus.Conception to Jesus.Birth : 1718962.5 - 1718687.5 = 275 days [2]

Jesus.Circumcis. : Apr 15, 7 BC - Wednesday 14 Nisan, prefiguring his crucifixion on 14 Nisan


Augustus.death   : Ago 19, 14.

Tiberius.year 1  : 1 Tishrei 13 - 1 Tishrei 14

Tiberius.year 15 : 1 Tishrei 27 - 1 Tishrei 28. The year when John the Baptist started to preach (Lk 3:1-3)

New moon Sep 27  : Sep 18  19:55

1 Tishrei 27     : Sep 21. I add 3 days to that of the new moon when it was AFTER noon.

JB.preach start  : Sep 21, 27 - Sunday - 1 Tishrei. Preaching suitable for the time leading to Atonement Day

J.Baptism probab.: Jan 4, 28 - Sunday - 1731287.5

J.Baptism latest : Jan 28, 28 - Latest possible day of Jesus' Baptism

New moon Mar 28  : Mar 15  00:27

1 Nisan 28       : Mar 17. I add 2 days to that of the new moon when it was before noon.

15 Nisan 28      : Mar 31. (15 - 1 + 17 = 31) - Jesus' Baptism must have been at least 63 days before.


Equinox 30       : Mar 22  22:00, calendrically separated 7 hours from the vernal equinox of 7 BC

New moon Mar 30  : Mar 22  17:47, calendrically separated 8 d, 2 h and 29 m from the new moon of March 7 BC

1 Nisan 30       : Mar 25. I add 3 days to that of the new moon when it was AFTER noon (as in 7 BC).

14 Nisan 30      : Apr  7. (14 - 1 + 25 - 31 = 7)

Jesus.Crucifixion: Apr 7, 30 - Friday - 1732111.5 - 14 Nisan

Jesus.Resurrect. : Apr 9, 30 - Sunday - 1732113.5 - 16 Nisan. 1732113.5 + 49 = 1732162.5

Pentecost 30     : May 28, 30 - Sunday - 1732162.5 [7]

From J.Baptism probab to Pentecost 30: 1732162.5 - 1731287.5 =   875 days =  5 x 25 weeks = 5^3 weeks

From Jesus.Conception to Pentecost 30: 1732162.5 - 1718687.5 = 13475 days = 49 x 275 days = 77 x 25 weeks [3]

From Mary.Conception to Pentecost 30 : 1732162.5 - 1712912.5 = 19250 days = 70 x 275 days = 110 x 25 weeks


New moon Mar 42  : Mar 10  10:22

1 Nisan 42       : Mar 12. I add 2 days to that of the new moon when it was before noon.

15 Nisan 42      : Mar 26. (15 - 1 + 12 = 26) - Monday

Next Sunday      : Apr 1 - 1736488.5 + 49 = 1736537.5

Pentecost 42     : May 20, 42 - Sunday - 1736537.5 - Assumption de Mary [4]

From Pentecost 30 to Mary.Assumption : 1736537.5 - 1732162.5 =  4375 days = 25 x 25 weeks

From Mary.Concept. to Mary.Assumption: 1736537.5 - 1712912.5 = 23625 days = 135 x 25 weeks = 15^3 weeks

From Mary.Birth to Mary.Assumption   : 1736537.5 - 1713178.5 = 23359 days = (64 x 365.25 - 17) days [4]


Finally, let's compare the dates calculated above (from exclusively typological considerations plus astronomical data) of St. Mary's Immaculate Conception and her Assumption into Heaven with the dates of the corresponding feasts in the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church, taking for the former feast the original date of December 9, set no later than in the VII century in Palestine (which is also the origin of the date of August 15 for the latter feast) and kept by the Catholic Churches of eastern rites and by the Eastern Orthodox and Armenian Churches.

St. Mary's Immaculate Conception:

Sep 13 + 30 d = Oct 13
Oct 13 + 31 d = Nov 13
Nov 13 + 17 d = Nov 30
Nov 30 +  9 d = Dec  9
Sep 13 + 87 d = Dec  9

St. Mary's Assumption into Heaven:

May 20 + 31 d = Jun 20
Jun 20 + 30 d = Jul 20
Jul 20 + 11 d = Jul 31
Jul 31 + 15 d = Aug 15
May 20 + 87 d = Aug 15

Thus, the dates of the liturgical feasts which commemorate both events have the same offset to the historical dates of those events according to this hypothesis.


[1] At the time of the Annunciation, Mary's age was 15 years measured from Pentecost to Pentecost plus 49 days according to the Hebrew calendar, and 15 years and 1 month according to the Julian calendar.

[2] Comparing the lengths of Mary's and Jesus' gestations, we note that 266 x (365 / 354) = 274.3, with 365 being the length of the solar year and 354 that of the lunar year. This reflects that Mary is to Jesus as the moon to the sun, and is consistent with Mary living an integral age according to the Hebrew lunar calendar and Jesus living an integral age according to the solar calendar.

[3] The Church is the Mystical Body of Christ and was born on Pentecost 30, so that the interval between Jesus' conception and Pentecost 30 can be seen as the time of gestation of the Mystical Body of Christ, which was 49 times the time of gestation of his Physical Body.

[4] Since according to the visions of A. C. Emmerich Mary's Assumption into Heaven took place on the night following her burial [4.a], and since Mary had 64 years less 17 days according to the Julian calendar on the day of her Assumption, she reached an age of 64 years less 18 days. This value is very close to that seen by A. C. Emmerich as the age reached by Mary (64 years less 23 days) [4.b]. Moreover, since A. C. Emmerich saw numbers as Roman numerals in her visions, she could have mistaken XVIII for XXIII.



Appendix: Hypothesis on the ages corresponding to the 8 numbers of the form (m · m · n) with m + m + n = 17

m · m · n = age, age type, meaning
1 · 1 · 15 = 15, factual, Mary's age at Jesus' birth [1]
2 · 2 · 13 = 52, factual, Mary's age at the birth of the Church [5]
3 · 3 · 11 = 99, factual, the Apostle John's lifetime [6]
4 · 4 · 9 = 144, counterfactual, everyone's lifetime if nobody had sinned
5 · 5 · 7 = 175, symbolic, Abraham's lifetime (Gen 25:7)
6 · 6 · 5 = 180, symbolic, Isaac's lifetime (Gen 35:28)
7 · 7 · 3 = 147, symbolic, Jacob's lifetime (Gen 47:28)
8 · 8 · 1 = 64, factual, Mary's lifetime [4]

[5] Measured from Pentecost 23 BC to Pentecost 30 AD
[6] The relevance of the Apostle John's lifetime comes from Jn 21:20-23.

The lifetime of Jesus is the sum of all 8 m values, i.e. the triangular of 8:

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = Triang(8) = 36

36 is the only nontrivial triangular number which is the square of another triangular (6).

The lifetime of Mary is the sum of all 8 n values:

1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 11 + 13 + 15 = 64

64 is the first nontrivial square number which is also a cube.

All 3 lifetimes of sinless individuals (2 factual and 1 counterfactual) are square numbers. No lifetime in the Bible is a square number, those of Jared and Moses being the ones which get closer: 962 = 961 + 1 and 120 = 121 - 1 respectively.

Sources of calendrical and astronomical data
Julian dates and days of week:
In that calculator, for the Julian calendar the year N BC is denoted as -N.

Moon phases, I century BC:
In that table, the year 1 BC denoted as 0, and in general the year N BC is denoted as -(N-1).

Moon phases, I century AD:

Vernal equinoxes, 25 BC to 38 AD:
Ken Mccarver, "The Sabbath. A Journey of Discovery", WestBow Press, 2012. Pp. 89-90.

The equinox dates are from the table "Spring Phenomena, 25 BCE to 38 CE", built by the U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) and no longer online. That table gave also the dates of the new moons previous to and following those equinoxes, which can be compared with the more precise values provided by from these two sources which reproduced the table:

Ken Mccarver, "The Sabbath. A Journey of Discovery", WestBow Press, 2012. Pp. 91-93.

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